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I run a small bakery at Dechencholing in Thimphu
near the army oil tank and it is the only bakery in the
area so it’s doing well so far. In 2015, I got the most
important support I needed to buy large oven and
invest in raw materials through Loden-DHI fund. I
think I was lucky to be part of this scheme because
as soon as I got the support my business moved
up. Besides the funding support, lots of ideas on
implementation of business, marketing strategies,
branding of products are some of knowledge I
gained from the two organizations. I also received
several monitoring and mentoring visits from Loden
officials and international business expertise on
a regular basis. These expertise gave me valuable
advice in important aspects of my business.

I took this opportunity to become an entrepreneur
because we can make big difference in the country
by substituting import, creating employment for
others and become self-sufficient among other
things. So, I feel proud for doing my own business.
I am also able to spend enough time with my family
and support them whenever needed. Moreover,
I can contribute good share of my income to the
government in the form of tax. As a result of all
the support I have received, I earned well from my
business and I was able to repay my loan on time
without fail. Henceforth, I am planning to expand
my business and generate good income, so that I
can make difference in the society.

Sherab Tenzin
Sampa Lhendup Bakery
This startup is funded through Loden-DHI funding
window along with 29 other startups since 2015.

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