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My name is Phub Dorji and people call me Dawa
because I have a twin sister Phub Zam who is called
Nima. Nima and I go to school in Punakha and
live with our mother. We have an elder sister who
works in an office. As far as I can remember, it has
always been just me and Nima with our mother
and sister. When our mother could work we did
not face many difficulties but she got very sick one
day and had to go through an operation. She never
recovered fully from that day. Nima and I used to
seek help from neighbours and friends because our
mother could not provide for us fully and it was
very difficult.

Fortunately, our sister found work and she started
helping us. But now she has her own family to look
after with two children and we cannot ask any
more of her because she has also done a lot for us.

So, we continue trying to live with the little we
have and seek help from friends. Sometimes, I feel
happy that we are born as twins because I think
that we are unique but sometimes I am also very
scared what will happen. We heard about Loden
Foundation in 2018 and immediately Nima and I
wrote our application. We went to their office in
Thimphu in December 2018 and heard from Loden
in one month. They said they will provide financial
assistance to one of us and they said they will
sponsor me because Nima is one class above me.
They said that they will continue the support until I
finish class 12 so they would like to support the one
in lower standard. So, I got the support and Nima
did not.

I heard my sponsor is someone living and working
in Thimphu. Thank you my angel for supporting my

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