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Sonam Norbu – Tsal Parkour Gym

Let me tell you a story about a Himalayan boy who followed his dreams. I’m Sonam, and I grew up learning Taekwondo and dancing at 5 am daily in the mountains. My journey of backflips and acrobatic jumps began when I discovered something called a crash mat.

However, while studying in India, I realized that parkour was my true love and passion, not a regular 9-5 job. Finally, I decided that if it was parkour, I was only jumping from one place to another. Parkour is an athletic training discipline where participants attempt to get from point A to point B most fluidly and efficiently – traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping.

When I received a call from the Bhutan Olympic Committee asking for a meeting with Mr. Morinari Watanabe, President of FIG (International Gymnastics Federation), I had no idea what was happening. To my surprise, Watanabe-san asked if I wanted to represent Bhutan in the first FIG Parkour World Championship.

New experiences and meeting people with similar interests fuelled my desire to start something new in the country and create new opportunities, particularly for the youth. However, finances were a significant issue, and I was not selected for Loden support on the first try. After refining my proposal and streamlining my vision, I reapplied and opened Tsal Gym, my Parkour Gym! Thank you to all the supporters of the Loden-Fonds De Dotation.

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