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Suraj Bir Chhetri – Nya-Kam Studios

I am the founder of Nya-Kam Studios, a Graphic Design Studio with a vision of bringing technology to southern Bhutan at a lower cost and with a better experience. Nya-Kam Studios was a dream come true for a group of newly graduated freelancers from Gelephu who wanted to turn their passion into a viable business. Seven freelancers are working in the studio at the moment.

As said by Nicki Minaj, “Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.” My hard work and determination to help others as part of a team propelled me to a level where I could achieve anything I set my sights on.

However, funding was an issue. As a result, I decided to participate in Loden UNICEF SEED training. After learning valuable business information, I was selected from the SEED competition. This was a moment in my life when my dream of opening a studio was becoming a reality. A studio where youths can unwind and spend their free time productively by learning, connecting, and collaborating.

I want to thank UNICEF Bhutan and the Loden Foundation for all of their support to all of the youths, and we hope that SEED will continue to help more youths like me in the future.

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