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Shortlisted Students for the Loden Foundation Scholarship 2023

The Loden Foundation is pleased to announce that we received a total of 382 applications. Breaking down the numbers; a total of 364 applicants for Loden General Scholarship and 18 applicants for Loden Apprenticeship Programme.

382 Applications received.

We would like to extend our congratulations to the shortlisted candidates who have made it to the final interview round. We also want to express our gratitude to all the applicants who have shown interest in this scholarship. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we are unable to support as many students as we would have liked.

Applicants were shortlisted based on the Loden Scholarship Guideline and the Matrix developed by Loden.

List of shortlisted candidates for the interview round:

SNNameContactInterview Timing
1Ugyen Lhadon776948999:30 – 9:55
2Sonam Choden173751069:55 – 10:20
3Chandra Kumari Subba7772396410:20 – 10:45
4Tshering Choden7747233210:45- 11:10
5Sonam Tobden1762319211:10 – 11:35
6Tashi Chophel1779624211:35 – 12:00
7Pema Rinzin1734077612:00 – 12:25
8Ngawang Choden1727872212:25 – 12:50
9Kuenga Lhaden1797689512:50 – 1:15
10Sonam Lhazom171735352:15 – 2:40
11Som Raj Subba177155602:40 – 3:05
12Dawa Gyeltshen179470963:05 – 3:30
13Bibek Rai773125053:30 – 3:55
14Ugyen Phuntsho176609453:55 – 4:20
15Kencho Lhendup Phelgay177069914:20 – 4:45
16Norbu Lhadon777137564:45 – 5:10
17Jigme Rigden Wangpo176230535:10 – 5:35
(applicants are listed randomly and follows no order of position from the selection round)

The details of the interview round such as date, mode of interview and individual time slot will be communicated directly to the individual applicants. Shortlisted applicants must bring their original documents when coming for the interview. 

For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact Programme Officer – Education (Ms Pema Tshogyal) at 77195588 during office hours or email her at