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Kinzang Pemo

Arura Academy of Health Sciences

I come from a family where sacrifices are both the most beautiful and saddest gifts a parent can give to their child. From a young age, I witnessed my parents go their separate ways, causing my mother to struggle greatly. My elder siblings also sacrificed their education to support the household. Our family had five members, but unfortunately, my elder brother fell victim to unfortunate circumstances. Yet, I am proud to say that despite every struggle, I was raised with love, especially by my sister, who gave up her own needs and fulfilled mine.

Being the youngest in the family comes with many advantages but also carries a lot of hopes and expectations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and MDD (Major Depressive Disorder), which persisted until the end of my high school years, creating a huge burden for me and my family. However, one positive aspect of spending more time in hospitals was discovering my ambition. Observing the role of nurses, I realised it involves not only science but also inner healing, making it a profession I aspire to pursue.

Despite studying a different core subject in high school, I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my dream. I was initially scared of causing a financial burden on my sister, who also has young children to raise. I feared that my selfish desire to pursue my dreams might force her children to give up theirs. However, I am especially thankful and deeply appreciative of the Loden Foundation for giving me the chance to pursue my passion without obstacles and with stability. So, I promise to give my best in everything I do and to shine as a “Loden Scholar” with utmost pride.