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We would like to announce the completion of the selection process for the position of Programme Manager at Loden Foundation after thorough consideration and based on the interviews.

No one has been selected.

We regret to inform you that after careful consideration, none of the applicants who interviewed for the Programme Manager position have been selected. We understand the time and effort that each of you put into the application and interview process, and we sincerely appreciate your interest in joining the Loden Foundation team.

The decision was difficult, as the hiring committee discussed it thoroughly and unanimously came to this decision. We want to thank each of you for your enthusiasm and dedication throughout the selection process.

Once again, thank you for considering the Loden Foundation as a potential employer. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact the Communications Officer – Karma Jamtsho, at 77388100 during office hours or email