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National Youth-led Agrifood Innovation Challenge- Final Results

Loden Foundation is happy to announce the final results of the National Youth-led Agrifood Innovation Challenge. Applicants who are selected will be contacted individually.

Top 10 Applications were Selected 

Selected Applicants:

Name CID
Sonam Dorji10101001215
Sangay Choezom11102004554
Jangchuk Dorji10102001387
Rinzin Dorji11213002437
Tashi Wangchuk10903001948
Rinchen Dorji10210000548
Deki Lhadon11512005341
Ugyen Tshering11913002434 
Chetan Dahal11308004845
Kinley retty11007000611

We are pleased to announce the benefits that will be awarded to the selected applicants:

  1. Springboard Elevate Participation:
    All applicants will be invited to join Springboard Elevate, a peer-to-peer learning fellowship that promotes an inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  2. Springboard Plus Connection:
    The top three winning teams will be connected to Springboard Plus, an industry expert-led program dedicated to enhancing the investment readiness of youth-led social enterprises.
  3. Showcase Opportunities:
    Winning teams will have the chance to showcase their innovative ideas at regional events and gain access to supportive networks within the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  4. Entrepreneurship and Pitching Skills Training:
    The top ten best idea teams will receive training in entrepreneurship and pitching skills through the Critical Skills Training Programme, scheduled for August 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
  5. Award Money:
    The top three ideas will each be awarded a prize of USD 2000.

For any inquiries or clarifications, Please contact the Entrepreneurship Programme Officer Mr. Karma Losel Yangnyen at 77195599 or email at during office hours.