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Message from our Founder

Time flies. It is already 25 years – a quarter of a century – since we started Loden with a seed of benevolent intention but a modest resource of £50. From a fickle sprout in 1999, Loden has today grown into a rather large tree spreading the branches of its programmes, leaves of its activities, flowers of outcomes, shade of guidance, fruits of benefit, and scent of success in unexpected and extensive ways. Looking back at this process of growth and evolution, which involved both firm action and tender care, one feels a fervent sense of satisfaction and gratitude.

The flourishing of the Wish-granting tree, which Loden has become for many lives we have touched, would not have been possible without the three sets of kalyanamitras or virtuous friends. Therefore, I personally take this opportunity to thank them for joining me in sowing, growing and sustaining the Loden tree.

First and foremost are fellow trustees, stalwart supporters, and the team of staff and interns for their time, effort and dedication without which the noble sprout would have died long ago.

The second group to whom we share our gratitude are our benefactors, donors, and partners for trusting us and believing in us as the conduit of your compassion and channel of your charity.

Finally, it is our beneficiaries. Without your existence, the virtuous project would not have been even possible. Moreover, your sense of cooperation, responsibility and commitment to make works of charity effective and meaningful encourage us to strive further.

As we begin another chapter of Loden, we once again turn to you for your continued prayers and support to our modest effort of fostering a happy society of responsible producers and intelligent consumers. May, in this Wood Dragon Year, the Wish-granting tree of Loden spread to become a Wood of benefit and the sound of success and joy resonate like the Thunder Dragon.

With Metta and Tashi Delek for the Wood Dragon Year of 2024!

Lopen Karma Phuntsho