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My parents got divorced when I was three years old and since then, I was brought up by my single mother who too sadly passed away in 2019. I have no contact with my father who has remarried and has his own family to look after. Since the untimely demise of my mother, my only brother who is two years older than me had to look for a job at an early age and is the only one who has been supporting me.

It has always been my dream to become a health worker in the future but I could not take up science for my higher secondary education. However, with the decision of the RGoB to provide opportunities for arts and commerce students to pursue nursing courses, I have regained my confidence to make my dream come true. Driven by my passion to work in the medical field, I applied for the three-year Diploma in Nursing at the Apollo Bhutan Institute of Nursing and got selected for the course. Considering the economic conditions of my family, it was the hardest decision I had to make to fulfil my dream.

Despite such financial difficulties at home, it was my dream to become a nurse and serve in the medical field and I was extremely fortunate to get financial support from the Loden Foundation without which I wouldn’t have been able to continue my higher studies and pursue my dream. I am forever indebted to Loden for helping me pursue my dream. I will always work hard and make sure that I live up to the name of being a Loden Scholar.

Ngawang Choden
Nursing Student