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Loden Scholarship 2022 Deadline Extension

This is to inform the applicants of Loden Scholarship 2022 that the deadline for Loden General Scholarship and Loden Apprenticeship Programme are being extended to 5 PM , 19 June 2022.

Note: Please read all the details of this announcement carefully. All necessary details are mentioned here. Failure to follow our application process may result in the cancellation of your application.

The Loden Foundation is pleased to announce scholarships for young Bhutanese to pursue undergraduate studies.

The scholarship funding will be capped at Nu. 200,000 each year and therefore, any extra expenditure will have to be borne by the applicant. Please note that Loden only provides financial support – Students must secure college admission before applying.

If you are considering applying for our scholarship, you must clearly explain your personal ambition, choice of subject/course and financial need. Remember, the selection is based on merit and need. Your Class X and XII results and co-curricular record will be used to determine merit and your family background and subject/course will be used to determine economic need and national need. During the shortlisting process, points are awarded as per the scoring matrix which can be found HERE

This is a programme to build the capacity and confidence of young people and therefore, indications of dependency on others to make inquiries or apply on their behalf will result in negative marking in the selection process.

The three types of scholarship we offer this year are:

1.Loden-RTC Scholarship to pursue undergraduate degree at RTC

The Loden Foundation in partnership with Royal Thimphu College (RTC) will be taking in eligible students to compete Loden-RTC Need-based undergraduate scholarship. Applicants are requested explore various courses offered by RTC. Once you have decided what to pursue at RTC, you have to secure admission (complete RTC’s online admission application and be offered admission).  You may visit or talk to Mr. Namgay Tshering (Student Service Officer) at 02-351806 RTC to request info on courses available.

Complete RTC’s online admission application and be offered admission HERE

2. Loden General Scholarship for undergraduate courses within or outside Bhutan

The Loden general scholarship is for applicants interested in pursuing various undergraduate courses available within or outside Bhutan. Applicants need to secure admission from a college and get conditional offer letter and submit to us.

3. Loden Apprenticeship Programme for diploma and certificate courses

The Loden apprenticeship scholarship is for any diploma or certificate courses within or outside Bhutan for applicants who are interested to build their skills in various fields. You must submit a detailed course description, duration and acceptance from the institute.

Documents required:

  1. Completed Application Form CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
  2. Personal Essay (Up to 500 words explaining your personal ambition, why you have chosen to study the specific course and why you need the financial support)
  3. Conditional acceptance letter from the college or institute (Note 1: Please note we will only accept letters from colleges/institutes recognized by the Department of Adult and Higher Education and RGoB) (Note 2: Students applying for the Loden-RTC Scholarship are not required to submit a conditional acceptance letter. However, they must complete their online application with RTC and attach a screenshot of the email that they receive after completing the online application process)
  4. Copy of academic transcripts of Class X and XII
  5. Recommendation letters from two referees with their contact details
  6. Up to five documents to validate your achievements in leadership, sports, academic excellence, volunteerism, etc.
  7. Copy of family tree available from Ministry of Home and Culture Affairsor Gewog Office

Application Process:

Keeping in mind the importance of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, no application will be accepted in printed copies. Applications will be accepted ONLY via email and all inquiries must be made online via email or through phone.

  1. Combine all your documents in to ONE single PDF (if you are not sure how to do this, you may use a free online service such as to combine your documents into one PDF file)
  2. Submit your applications in a single PDF file via email to
    Applications in hard copy format delivered in person or by other means shall not be entertained.

Failure to adhere to the application process may result in cancellation of the application.


Deadline forLoden General Scholarship and Loden Apprenticeship Programme are being extended to 5 PM, 19 June 2022.

In line with Covid-19 protocols, visits to the office are not encouraged. Should you require information or have queries regarding the scholarship, we strongly encourage you to access our online platforms or telephone Mr. Penchela at office phone 77195588during office hours (9am – 5pm on Weekdays) or email

Due to the high number of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be informed and invited to the final round of selection.


What is a conditional acceptance letter?

->It is a letter that you receive from the college that you apply for, stating that you have been granted conditional acceptance into the college. Conditional acceptance means that there are still terms that need to be met before your acceptance can be finalized.

How can I get a conditional acceptance letter?
->After applying for admission at a college of your choice, you can request the college for a conditional acceptance letter.

What is a recommendation letter?

->A letter of recommendation is a letter written by someone who can recommend you for the scholarship program. These letters typically come from your teachers, principals, or internship supervisors (IF you interned), discussing the qualities and capabilities that make you a good candidate for the scholarship programme.