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Loden Foundation Youth Scholarship 2024

Note: Please read this announcement carefully. All necessary details are mentioned here. Applicants with incomplete documents will be automatically disqualified.

The Loden Foundation is pleased to announce Loden Foundation Youth Scholarships for 2024!


  1. Filled out online scholarship application form
  2. A cover letter written by the student explaining how receiving the scholarship would alleviate their financial burdens and help them achieve their educational goals and career aspirations.
  3. The candidates must submit their Class 12 academic transcript 
  4. The candidate must submit proof of application to a college/university of their choice (such as a screenshot of notification of application received by the college) OR admission/acceptance letter
  5. Income Sheet/Payslip of guardian/parents 
  6. Up to Five Certificate documents to validate your achievements in leadership, sports, academic excellence, volunteerism, etc. Each certificate in different fields of co-curricular activities (games and sports, academic, voluntary and social service, cultural activities, etc). Certificates acquired in class 10 or later will be accepted.

Note: Applicants with incomplete documents will be automatically disqualified

Scholarship Amount up to Nu.300,000 and any extra expenditure will have to be borne by the applicant. Please note that Loden only provides financial support – students must secure college admission before applying.


Applications will be accepted ONLY via the GOOGLE FORM, and all inquiries must be made online via email or phone. 

  1. Combine all your documents into ONE single PDF (if you are not sure how to do this, you may use a free online service such as or to combine your documents into one PDF file)
  2. Submit your applications in a single PDF file via the Google Form. Applications in hard copy format delivered in person or by other means shall not be entertained.


The Loden Youth Scholarship Programme deadline is 5 PM, May 15, 2024.

Should you require information or have queries regarding the scholarship, we strongly encourage you to access our online platforms or telephone Ms. Pema Tshogyal at office phone 77195588 during office hours (9 AM – 5 PM on Weekdays) or email


What is an Acceptance letter?

  • It is a letter from the college you applied for, stating that you have been granted conditional acceptance. Conditional acceptance means that terms still need to be met before your acceptance can be finalised. 
  • No form of payment has to be made to receive an Acceptance Letter. Loden will not be liable to pay any amount if the student has paid and does not receive the Loden Scholarship.

How can I get an Acceptance letter?

  • After applying for admission at a college of your choice, you can request the college for a conditional acceptance letter. Any student applying for the Loden Scholarship will require a conditional acceptance letter.