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The Loden Foundation is pleased to announce the final results of the Loden Foundation Scholarship 2023 from the interview held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.

6 students were selected

All students who are selected for the Scholarship will be contacted individually. Although we would have liked to select more, we can only support six students this year based on the availability of funds.

The final selection was based on the following criteria by a panel of judges:

Understanding of the proposed course (5 points)
Personal ambition (5 points)
Ability to justify the economic need (5 points)
General knowledge (5 points)
Communication skills (5 points)

Please find the ranking of the interview below

Sonam LhazomFemale
Kuenga LhadenFemale
Sonam TobdenMale
Jigme Rigden WangpoMale
Pema RinzinMale
Norbu LhadonFemale
(applicants are listed randomly and follow no order of position from the interview round)

For the students who were not selected, please use this experience as a learning opportunity to identify areas where you can improve and work towards enhancing your skills. Remember that success is a journey, and setbacks are a part of it. The most important thing is to keep pushing forward and not lose hope in yourself and your situation.

For any inquiries or clarifications, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Programme Officer – Education (Ms Pema Tshogyal) at 77195588 during office hours or email her at