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Ugyen Dendup (Agritech Scale-up Fund)

Serkar Dairy Plant

Serkar Dairy Plant, located in Thimphu, is a dairy processing unit dedicated to enhancing the value of dairy milk sourced from local farmers in Thimphu. Currently specializing in the production of probiotic Greek yogurt, drinking yogurt, and pasteurized milk, the plant operates with a workforce of approximately 19 individuals and collaborates with nine dairy cooperatives spanning Thimphu and Paro. In a strategic move towards diversification, Serkar is poised to expand its product line by introducing various cheeses, aiming to reduce reliance on imported dairy products.

With the allocated funds, Serkar plans to acquire an automated cheese packaging machine, a pivotal step that will facilitate increased cheese production. This expansion is expected to generate employment opportunities for an additional 13 individuals, triple the intake of milk from cooperatives, and position the products competitively in the market.


Farmers and Growers

Probiotic Greek yogurt, drinking yogurt, and pasteurized milk


Ugyen Dendup (Agritech Scale-up Fund)

Serkar Dairy Plant

Serkar Dairy Plant, located in Thimphu, is a dairy processing unit dedicated to enhancing the value of dairy milk sourced from local farmers in Thimphu. Currently specializing in the production of probiotic Greek yogurt, drinking yogurt, and pasteurized milk, the plant operates with a workforce of approximately 19 individuals and collaborates with nine dairy cooperatives spanning Thimphu and Paro. In a strategic move towards diversification, Serkar is poised to expand its product line by introducing various cheeses, aiming to reduce reliance on imported dairy products.

With the allocated funds, Serkar plans to acquire an automated cheese packaging machine, a pivotal step that will facilitate increased cheese production. This expansion is expected to generate employment opportunities for an additional 13 individuals, triple the intake of milk from cooperatives, and position the products competitively in the market.