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Sherab Dorji (Agri Tech Scale-up Fund)

Entrepreneur Information

Year: 2023

Business Category: Agriculture and Forestry

Location: Thimphu

Service Provided: A programmable automatic Ice Cream and Yogurt Packaging Machine, capable of filling and sealing various products such as textured ice cream cups, plain and flavored yogurt cups, ice cream cornetto with crunchy cones, and dairy drinks like flavored milk and lass

Khemdro Dairy (KD) is a social enterprise enhancing the value of dairy milk from smallholder farmers in Phobjikha. KD works with 68 households and employs five workers to produce cheese, butter, ice cream, and yogurt.

With scale-up funding, KD is automating ice cream and yogurt production using advanced packaging machines for diverse products, including ice cream cups, flavored yogurts, cornetto cones, and dairy drinks. A Horizontal Pillow-Pouching Machine will also package choco-bars and frozen fruit bars.

These upgrades will integrate over 100 farmers into KD’s value chain and create six youth employment opportunities, meeting grant-loan agreement goals.

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