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Sangay Needup

Entrepreneur Information

Year: 2020

Business Category: Farmers and Growers

Location: Thimphu

Service Provided: Vegetable home delivery

Sangay is a 29-year-old aspiring entrepreneur and the brain behind the Bhutan Smart Shop in Thimphu. Bhutan Smart Shop is a one-stop-place that caters to both walk-in and online customers focussing mainly on locally grown vegetables and other local food items.

Through Loden-UNDP COVID-19 Response Fund support, Sangay will launch the ‘Vegetable on Wheels’ service that will deliver locally grown vegetables at the doorsteps of Thimphu residents.

“I hope this helps Thimphu residents in maintaining physical distancing,” Sangay said.

Vegetable on Wheels will deliver to seven identified locations in Thimphu throughout the week as approved by Thimphu Thromde.

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