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Jamayang Dema

Entrepreneur Information

Year: 2018

Business Category: Farmers and Growers

Location: Bumthang

Service Provided: Bee Farming

Jamyang Dema is from Sakteng gewog, a remote place under Trashigang district. She has attended several phases of training that have proved beneficial in managing her business. Although Sakteng gewog is surrounded by a beautiful environment, Jamyang has chosen to establish the bee farming business in Bumthang as the extraction of beehives cannot be conducted at her place and additionally leads to difficulty in transportation from Trashigang to Bumthang. She has one beehive as of now and plans to expand the hives into twenty and thirty hives in the 2nd and 3rd year respectively. With a plan set in place, Jamyang is approved with Nu. 350000 from Loden Foundation in the current batch.

  • Phone: 77148844 / 77663001