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Bhutan Dialogues continues through live-streaming online

As the global Covid-19 pandemic reshapes our lives such as activities in schools, workplaces and businesses including social and educational events in ways we never imagined before, individuals and organizations must learn to adapt to these changing circumstances and rise above the new challenges.

Like many other scheduled events in the country, the March edition of Bhutan Dialogues was cancelled following directives from the government to avoid any event that invited large gatherings of people. Considering an average of 60-70 audience attends the conversation every month at the UN House it was important to follow social distancing.

Nevertheless, since April, Bhutan Dialogues started live-streaming the session online on it’s Facebook page, taking the conversation ‘live’ not only to followers in Bhutan but also to a larger global audience.

“Loden Foundation and UN in Bhutan are committed to ensure that Bhutan Dialogues will continue despite not being able to host our events as we used to due to the social distancing practices brought by Covid-19 pandemic. We will make sure that we bring change-makers and role models from various walks to life to discuss current issues and share their valuable experiences to our audience.” Phuntsho Namgay, Executive Director of Loden Foundation.

So far, two sessions have been streamed live online on Bhutan Dialogue’s Facebook page and plans to do the same for the 28th session scheduled for the second Thursday of 11 June.

“Most crises offer an opportunity to identify the gaps in the organization’s crisis management planning. This COVID crisis is a big test of our disaster preparedness work practices. The UN Bhutan and Loden foundation will continue to host virtual Bhutan Dialogues sessions and have an interactive discussion via live stream.

The emphasis on preparedness is not only a priority for the government but for all organizations, big or small. These are difficult times and now is the time for people and organizations to step up to the challenge.” Mr. Gerald Daly, UN Bhutan Resident Co-coordinator.

For the 27th Bhutan Dialogues held on second Thursday of May, Lopen Karma Phuntsho had a conversation with Dr. Rui Paulo de Jesus, the Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Mr. Gerald Daly, the Resident Coordinator of the UN in Bhutan, on the topic ‘Conversation on Covid-19 and Beyond.’

Watch the 27th Session here:
👉 Register for 28th Session here:

About Bhutan Dialogues:

Bhutan Dialogues is a space for critical and civil conversations with thought leaders and change-makers drawing upon their expertise, achievements and inspiration. It aims to invigorate development thinking and refine our ideas and the pursuit of human progress. It is a forum for right speech and mindful listening.

Bhutan Dialogues is led by Loden Foundation and The UN BhutanLopen Karma Phuntsho, a thought leader, social worker and the President of Loden Foundation currently serves pro bono as the host for the dialogues.

Visit to listen or watch the past sessions online.