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An Update from the Loden Culture

The Loden culture team, led by our founder Lopen Karma Phuntsho, had productive meetings at the Department of Culture. As a guest speaker at the meeting for professional development of the District Cultural Officers organised by the Department of Culture, Lopen Karma Phuntsho shared his understanding of the Bhutanese cultural identity, the need for a better understanding of Bhutan’s cultures, and various approaches and strategies for promoting cultural values, practices, and innovations.

Lopen Karma Phuntsho sharing his understanding of the Bhutanese Culture identity and the need for better understanding of Bhutan’s cultures

The talk was attended by the Director of the Department of Culture, the director of the National Library and Archives of Bhutan, and the district officers and staff at the Department of Culture. After the talk, the Loden group also had a meeting with the director and a few members of the National Library and Archives of Bhutan to discuss current and future collaborations. They also visited the conservation section to see wall painting conservation works carried out by Tashi Lhendup and his team.