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Tashi Lhaden

Gedu College of Business Studies

I have always dreamed of attending college, obtaining a degree, and ultimately sitting for the Royal Civil Service Commission exam to become a civil servant. However, my educational journey has been challenging but rewarding. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't secure a government scholarship to my dream college due to missing the required marks by a small margin. As the eldest daughter in my family, I have always felt a big sense of responsibility towards my two younger siblings. Growing up in a remote place, with my mother as the sole breadwinner working tirelessly as a farmer, and my father without a proper occupation or source of income, instilled in me the values of hard work and determination. All those situations, instead of making me hopeless, have urged and motivated me to push forward. I carry not only my dreams but also the dreams of my parents and my two younger siblings.

I want to become someone who can contribute to the country. I don't dream of going abroad or earning dollars but aspire to be a humble civil servant who can both earn a living and contribute to the nation. Although my dreams were shattered, I decided to continue my studies despite financial hardships. The discovery of the Loden Foundation, with its support and scholarships for the needy like me, brought a glimmer of hope, and I am so thankful that I was selected as a scholar. I will be further studying at Gedu College of Business Studies as a self-funding student, taking a Bachelor of Accounting course.

I am truly thankful to the Loden Foundation for bringing light into my life. I will strive to study hard and become a dedicated Bhutanese citizen who serves the nation. Finally, I promise I won't let Loden down and will prove that I am worthy of their support.