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Lhakpa Dorji

Faculty of Nursing and Public Health

Hello! My name is Lhakpa Dorji from Gyelekha, Wangdue Phodrang. I come from an underprivileged background and became completely blind while in class 10. Without access to advanced assistive technology and struggling with severe mental health issues, I had to withdraw from my studies. These challenges persisted for three years, during which I faced a severe depression.

My life was at its lowest point, and I couldn't resume my studies until I decided to attend the National Institute for Disability. As someone who lost their sight later in life, learning to read braille with my fingers was incredibly challenging since I was accustomed to reading with my eyes. Despite these obstacles, I persevered with the help of assistive technology and eventually enrolled in the Royal Institute for Health Science. There, I completed a two-year Certificate in Physiotherapy course with distinction.

With support from Loden, I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health and will be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma in Contemplative Counselling Psychology, a field I am deeply passionate about. This bachelor's degree program spans two years, with the benefit of credit exemptions based on my previous academic achievements. This opportunity is incredibly valuable to me, offering personal fulfillment and enabling me to contribute meaningfully to society by addressing public health challenges.