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Dawa after completing his degree. He gained experience in Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Travel & Café, Malaysia,Travel Company and Food Production & Packaging.additionally  coming from a farming background and with quite a lot of exposure in export market during his  foreign visit for travel fairs and meetings he started a food production and packaging business in the year 2020 on a trial basis with one helper.

It is solely aimed to learn the food processing method, market opportunities, packaging ideas and establish a supply chain. guidance from post-harvest centre and self-research, dawa  used the latest food dehydration technologies like Greenhouse Solar Dryer ( Tunnel Dryer) and Infrared Drying in the dehydration process to ensure high content of food nutrition, long shelf life, authentic taste bite, and premium quality. Moreover, he also ensure proper and high quality packaging with all standard labeling requirements to meet the international standards. Which indeed is one of the key reasons why most of the Bhutanese parcels sent to Australia are disposed by the regulatory body upon my research. After one year, he was able to package over 15 varieties of dehydrated products and condiments. With increasing demand in the products and our capability to establish a full scale business, Dawa Tshering  want to target the spice market,

 he supply the products to Bhutan Corner Shop in New York, USA, catered mostly to Bhutanese studying and working there. He  also supplies to different states in Australia every alternate week through my friends and some wholesale buyers. 

Till date Dawa have shipped over 475kg of dehydrated vegetables(approx. 4,750kg of green vegetables) amounting to Nu.7 lakh, despite frequent lockdowns in the country. 

Farmers and Growers


premium quality agro based products