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Knowledge in truth is without an owner and
everyone is entitled to it.

Annual Reports

Have a fresh look on our activities, achievements and financial details for each year. This reports highlight our compassionate efforts, initiatives and impact during specific periods. Feel free to explore them to learn more about the Loden Foundation's work.

Loden Annual Report 2024
Loden Report 2022
Loden report 2021
Loden report 2020
Loden report 2019
Loden report 2018
Loden report 2017
Loden report 2016
Loden report 2015

Our Publications

Take a look at some other resources we have that can be helpful to you.

Pema Lingpa Day: Guru Practice and Prayers
The Autobiography of Terton Pema Lingpa
The Life and Works of Kyoton Monlam Tsultrim
Thugse Dawa Gyeltshen Biography
Pema Thinley Biography


Check out our guidelines that help you start a business or a firm.


Financial Reports

Take a look at our comprehensive overview of the financial activites, including income, expenses, investments and financial health.

Financial Report 2023
Financial Report 2022
Financial Report 2021
Financial Report 2020
Financial Report 2019
Financial Report 2018
Financial Report 2017
Financial Report 2015-2016