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Message from the First International Volunteer of Loden

Following the gracious invitation extended by Dr. Karma Phuntsho, as well as Anne and Gerard Tardy, I embarked on a transformative journey with the Loden Foundation in 2011, marking the beginning of my role as its inaugural international volunteer. Since then, my engagement with this remarkable organization has been marked by modest support through mentoring, training, and sponsoring a student, which I’ve had the privilege of offering during my regular visits to Bhutan.

Throughout my years of involvement, I’ve been fortunate to interact with numerous members of the Loden community, including volunteers, mentors, donors, dedicated staff, and the beneficiaries themselves. Witnessing firsthand their unwavering commitment, boundless enthusiasm, and tireless efforts toward fostering social entrepreneurship, advancing education, and safeguarding Bhutan’s rich cultural heritage has been truly inspiring.

Wherever my travels take me, I take great pride in spotlighting the impactful endeavours of the Loden Foundation, urging others to join hands in nurturing Bhutan and its most invaluable asset: its exceptionally talented people. As I look ahead, I eagerly anticipate continuing my active participation within the Loden family, contributing to its ongoing success and growth in the years ahead.