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Jomolhari Cafe

I have never liked the idea of being in an average job but wanted to do something different. Going back to where I grew up to start a business was something I never thought about but a while after completing graduation from college I started thinking about it. I thought that I am one of the few young people who actually make it through college from my village and I must do something to set an example. That’s when I thought of going back to my village in Soe, Jomolhari to start a high-end cafe.

I thought of a cafe business but I was stuck in a rut since I lacked capital but then I heard about the Loden Foundation’s loan scheme. This is where my journey starts and that of the first-ever high end café on the highlands among the nomads. Once, I have complete setting up the cafe I can offer hospitality service to the international trekkers and local travellers. The café will be located at 4,000 meters above sea level and near majestic Mt.Jomolhari and Jichu Drakey. It is not just about the best coffee we serve but also its unique location and fantastic view. I am also thinking of serving local snacks made from organic local ingredients to promote local culture and tradition and many other things – the possibilities are endless!

Sonam Rinchen
Jomolhari Cafe

This startup is funded through Loden-Bhutan
Foundation funding window